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找篇关于“压力”的英语口语对话?                                                             TOPIC:How do you handle pressure?A/B/C/D/A  共四人或五人A: This is a typical talk show question, I wanna ask you to get a sense of how you handle on-the-job stress, is “Do you like working under pressure?” "How do you handle pressure?" B:"Yes, I do. I can work under pressure. I don't mind."  So I think that if I have to work under sustained pressure I will perform well". Pressure is very important to me. With stress, I do the best possible job. The appropriate way to deal with stress is to make sure I have the correct balance between good stress and bad stress. I need good stress to stay motivated and productive. C:I always react to situations, rather than to stress. That way, the situation is handled and doesn't become stressful. I actually work better under pressure and I've found that I enjoy working in a challenging environment. From a personal perspective, I manage stress by visiting the gym every evening. It's a great stress reducer. D:Prioritizing my responsibilities so I have a clear idea of what needs to be done when, has helped me effectively manage pressure on the job. If the people I am managing are contributing to my stress level, I discuss options for better handling difficult situations with them. A:It seems that giving examples of how you have handled stress could get a clear picture how well you can work in stressful situations.That's all, thank you for your attention.




艺术节我们有一个英语场景对话比赛,2到3个人,3到5分钟。然后就没有别的说明。我想问一下这应该是类似英语话剧还是只是普通的日常对话。如果要演电影中的片断要演什么比较好?如果是自己创作的又要有点内容的应该怎样写?                                                             A:Is there anything I can do?I'd like to help in some way if I can. B:I can't think of anything at the moment. A:Well,maybe I could run errands or something. B:You could if I needed something. A:I feel so useless just hanging around with nothing to do. B:Don't worry.In a couple of days there'll be too much to do.Then you'll want to be back in these lazy days. A:I guess I'm just a workaholic.I never was very good at doing nothing. B:Maybe you should learn how to relax and enjoy yourself more. 注解: 1)run errands:(固定成语)指送信、采购、接送客人等跑腿的差事。 2)feel useless:感到无聊,无所事事。 3)hang around:闲荡无事。与hang about同义。 4)workaholic:过分卖力的工作,不知休息的人。 5)be good at...:擅长于做某事。 6)relax:休息,娱乐。如:Have a break and let your mind relax. 7)enjoy yourself:(固定说法)过快活日子。娱乐一番。 ***************************************问路*************************************** Excuse me, officer. 对不起 警官。 Can you help me? 你能帮帮我吗 Sure. 当然可以。 Can you tell me 你能告诉我 how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale? 怎麽去Riverdale的亮值墙致? "Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street, “Richard Stewart 林登街46号 Riverdale, New York." Riverdale 纽约” You should take the number 1 subway. 应当搭一路地铁。 Is there a station near here? 附近有地铁站吗 Yes. The station's that way. 有。地铁站在那边。 You should take the number 1 train 搭一路车 to Van Cortlandt Park. 到Van Cortlandt公栽 下车。 Number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. Thank you. 一路车到Van Cortlaandt公园。谢谢。 Anytime. Good luck. 不用谢。祝 好运。 Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform. 记住 搭一路车 在在北 月 Thank you. 谢谢。 You're welcome. 不客气。 ********************************************喜欢或不喜欢工作******************************************** A: Hi,Lily. What are you doing there? B: I am making a kite. C: Are you going to fly the kite? B: Yes, I like flying kites when it is sunny but windy like today. What about you , Kate? C: I don't really like flying kites. I prefer taking a walk in the hill. A: So do I. Let's take a trip to the West Hill this Saturday. C: That's great! Shall we have a picnic on the top of the hill, Tom? D: Isn't that interesting! Peter,You like picnics very much,don't you? E: Yes, you know me very well. Jimmy, I think you can go with us, too. Then you can fly your kite in the park at the top of the hill. B: Mm, that sounds nice! A: But what should we take there? Should we take some fruit? B: Yes, of course. My favourite food is fruit and I will take my favourite fruit---strawberries! Don't you think it is very delicious, Tom? A: But I think hamburgers are more delicious. C: Yes, I like hamburgers, too. Let's take some drinks with us, too. What drinks do you like, Peter? E: I always drink water . My mother says it is the most healthy drink.But I am afraid we must take a camera there. You know, it is very beautiful on the hill at this time of year and Jimmy likes to take photoes very much. D: Yeah! That sounds exciting. I will be the best photogragher for you all! But when and where shall we meet? A: Let's meet at my home. I can ask my father to take us there in his car. B: And Let's meet at 9:00 then. D: That's too late for a hike! B: But can Peter get up so early? He always likes to stay in bed till late in the morning,haha! *********************************打扰一下********************************* A : Excuse me. Is there a library nearby? B : Yes. There's a library, between the drugstore and the post office. A : Thank you very much. B : You're welcome. 译文: A: 打扰一下。附近有图书馆么? B: 是的。在这个药店和邮局之间有一座图书馆。 A: 非常感谢你。 B: 不客气




A:hello,long time no see,what do you do recently?

B:I work in lenovo as a assistant.

A:do you like this job? 

B:it is hard to say ,the salary is enough for me .but, in the long time , it isn't benifit fo my career,I think I will change my job if I find the most suitable position for myself. 

A:I think you should change this job as soon as possible ,although it is hard at the very beginning,the ending will change if you have enough courage and confident. 

B:you are right ,I will think carefully to your advice.and do you satisficed with you job? 

A:you know,my dream is to be a layer,when I graduate from my college,I worked in a law firm as a paralegals for 1 year,and now I can deal with a case all by myself ,but I am under great pressure on the this job. 

B:yes ,everything has two side,life is hard to satisfied for everyone's dream.so,we should think more optimistic about our life,everything will change if your attitude is right. 

A:yeh,tomorrow is another day,we will have a bright future. 

B:I firmly believe that too.



1.A: Are you being helpe相关信息哪家pe给水管公司的价格低,质量还很好?epe珍珠棉属于什么材质?麻烦邯郸同志们有没有谁知道,钢管3pe夹...3pe螺旋防腐钢管有怎样的的优势?为什么白色epe不防静电?在山西有tpep防腐钢管生产厂家吗?Type-C PD适配器方案使用率高吗?...tpep防腐钢管是嘛?3pe防腐钢管又是...3pe防腐钢管加强级和普通级有嘛不一样?





  如果想快速学,就报班吧 或者,多看美剧什么,听英文歌,不过,得开口啊

两个月练好英语口语妙招:语料积累 对话反射(转载)

  [摘要]这个方法和其它方法比较有以下优点: 单天花费时间短,大脑负担轻,不易产生挫败感。拿出两周时间,给自己做个时间表,每天抽早起半小时和晚上睡觉半小时按照17天上的方法来背词汇小伴侣。  目前正在不断优化这个自我训练方法,欢迎反馈意见并注明具体原因。  (但一定是要按照方法执行过后再反馈哦)  这个方法和其它方法比较有以下优点:  · 单天花费时间短  · 大脑负担轻  · 不易产生挫败感  【认识口语训练的三个阶段】  · 语料的积累  · 对话的反射  · 语音的训练  【语料的积累】  1. 背单词(第一周、第二周)  所需教材  · 17天搞定GRE(课程)单词(大家不要被名字吓到了,这是一本背词法的书,而不是GRE词汇书)  · 新托福(课程)口语词汇小伴侣(前10个list是根据北美日常口语词频统计,之后的是校园和生活分类专业词汇,第一个周期只要背熟前10个list就好了)  使用方法  拿出两周时间,给自己做个时间表,每天抽早起半小时和晚上睡觉半小时按照17天上的方法来背词汇小伴侣,唯一不同的是你需要跟着音频一起大声诵读,而不是默背。  注意!!!  · 按照17天的方法背单词千万不要担心记不住,记不住是应该的。只要让你的脑子有个印象就好了,它会在你不停给它看的时候自己就记住那个词的。所以不要给自己有压力说“要背”多少词,而是“要过多少词”。  · 特别熟的单词直接用笔划掉,不要浪费时间。  2. 造句练习(第三周、第四周)  两周过去后,用造句练习的方式把这些词放置在语境里来复习。  · 给自己再次订一个两周的时间表。  · 仍然是早晚半小时,把所有的单词都口头造不同的三个句子,注意一定要读出来。  · 仍然需要像17天中所说的每天复习,复习还是造三个句子,不一定和你之前造的句子一样。不复习是没有用的。  3. 语料的及时弥补  准备一个小本子或者词典app。在对话反射训练中遇到的生词,或者自己用英文无法表达的词记下来。当天晚上睡觉前回顾一遍。  再次注意!!!  不用追求每次的记忆效果,但是一定要复习,尤其是记不住的,多过几遍。  【对话的反射】  为什么叫“反射”?是因为在你没有训练以前,你的英文说出口之前大多数情况都会在脑子里翻译一遍(除了Sh*t, F*ck,H*llo, Bye-B*e这样的词你根本不用翻译,就直接说了)  而通过一段时间的强化训练以后就变成了可以直接反应不用翻译的话了,就跟你的母语一样,就像背乘法口诀。  1. 跟读模仿(第五周,第六周,第七周)  所需材料:《摩登家庭》视频任意一季(没看过的当然最好用第一季)  它的对白是我觉得美剧中最接近生活的对白之一,大量地道的语句都可以直接抓来用。(老友记还有BBT感觉对白还是剧作感比较重,虽然是生活化场景,但是并不自然。Gossip Girl的语料也很好,但语速较快,不太适合一开始就拿来当素材)  使用方法  只看前5集,1周花5天时间,每天1集,每次1个半小时。  第五周  像下图这样,找一张纸把中文字幕贴起来,借助英文字幕看剧,先从头到尾看一遍。  (评论补充 : 推荐一下qq影音,可以自己决定在任何时间任何位置加马赛克,不用纸挡着这么不容易……之前上英语(精品课)综合训练课的时候,老师推荐使用的!)  看得过程中遇到你连英文都看不懂的,找个本子,把那句话记录下来。  当时不要看中文,一集完全看完以后把纸条撤掉,反查你记录下来看不懂的英文是什么意思。  然后开始逐句跟读,就是放一句,你读一句,要跟他说的一样一样的,模仿他的语音语调和速度,每句跟读5遍。  一些简单的句子就不要跟读了,什么hello how are you之类。  第六周  还是那5集,从第1集开始看,把英文字幕也一起用纸贴起来挡住。  现在开始一边看一边跟读,发现有英文不记得什么意思的或者听不懂的,就大致记下来。  等全集跟读完了,回头再看是哪里有问题,记在小本子里  第七周  仍然是那5集,仍然每天1集,把那一集值得记住可以用在日常对话里的段落摘抄到小本子里。每抄一段,跟读三遍。  然后设想一个你自己平时的生活场景,把那句话用进去。  比如说刚才图里有一句:It's about being spontaneous. 你就可以想一下谁对你说什么话的时候你可能会说这句,然后假装这事儿发生了,你回复他。(一定要出声,并且带着场景感。)  2. 强化训练(第八周)  开始复习小本子上你记下来的句子,仍然是每天一集,每个小段落读3遍,背两遍。  时间安排仍然要像17天单词的方法一样,一定要复习。  因为这时候你对于台词已经翻滚了好几遍了,所以背起来会觉得特别轻松。  3. 实战训练  所需材料  一个以英语母语国家的老外。  (渠道有太多了:在英语角的老外,外教课程等等)  使用方法  聊天。  很多人开不了口都是因为怕翻语法错误。一见到人就紧张,在脑子里过了好几遍就是说不出来。  这个负担是完全没有必要的。  换位思考一下,一个美国人说中文的时候你对他能有多大期望?他胡乱蹦几个词,加上环境背景,你基本大差不差也都能听懂了,你也不会觉得他怎么着,更不会笑话他或者歧视他中文不好吧。  所以反之亦然,不要担心犯错,这是最最最最最关键的一步。  开始的时候尽量用短句和简单句,你会发现这些短而简单的句子已经能够覆盖很大一部分对话了。然后你可以在每次聊天的过程中把你强化训练的句子用上。  不懂的地方尽管问,不要害羞不懂装懂,短语和单词在情境中的使用你的记忆会特别深刻。  我印象特别深的一次是我以前只知道呕吐是puke,有一次一个宿醉的同学很恐慌和我说I think... I'm...I'm gonna throw up. 刚说完他就在我面前吐了一地...  然后throw up这个词永远地留在了我的脑海里。  代替方案  一个英语好的国人。  使用方法  全英文沟通。  我那会儿为了练英语,鼓动全班同学都和我说英语,如果抓到我说中文,就罚我钱。效果非常好,大概仅仅过了两个月左右我的英语就愉快地满地打滚了。  当然你们不一定要像我一样做的这么绝,这和环境有关,我知道一定会有同学觉得你装逼或者得了什么精神病。所以就去找愿意这么做的同学吧,肯定能找到的。  


在日常生活中,我们都会用到一些简单的英语口语。我们收集了一些简单的口语对话,希望给大家学习英语带来帮助。  口语对话分为7个环节    一,Greetings 问候语    1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!   2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!   3. I'm Kathy King. 我是凯西?金。   4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得?史密斯吗?   5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。   6. How are you? 你好吗?   7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?   8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。   9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗?   10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。   11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。   12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。   13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。   14. See you later. 待会儿见。   15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。        二,Expression In Class 课堂用语    16. May I come in? 我能进来吗?   17. Come in, please. 请进。   18. Sit down, please. 请坐。   19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。   20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。   21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。   22. Here! 到!   23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗?   24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗?   25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗?   26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗?   27. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗?   28. Any questions? 有什么问题吗?   29. That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。   30. Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请在离开前将论文交上。    三,Identifying Objects 辨别物品    31. What's this? 这是什么?   32. It's a pen. 是支笔。   33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗?   34. No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,它是。   35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔?   36. It's Kate's. 是凯特的。   37. Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗?   38. No, it isn't. It's a bus. 不,那是一辆公共汽车。   39. What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?   40. What is the color of your new book? 你的新书是什么颜色的?   41. How big is your house? 你的房子有多大?   42. How long is the street? 这条街有多长?   43. What's the name of the cat? 这猫叫什么名字?   44. Where's the company? 那个公司在哪儿?   45. Which is the right size? 哪个尺码是对的?    四,About Belongings 关于所有物    46. What's this? 这是什么?   47. It's an air-conditioner. 这是空调。   48. Is this yours? 这是你的吗?   49. Yes, it's mine. 是的,是我的。   50. Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿?   51. Do you know where I've put my glasses? 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗?   52. Over there. 在那边。   53. On the desk. 在桌上。   54. Is this your pen? I found it under the desk. 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。   55. No. Mine is blue. 不是。我的是蓝的。   56. Which is your bag? 哪个是你的包?   57. The bigger one. 大些的那个。   58. The one on your right. 你右边的那个。   59. Are these books all yours? 这些书全是你的吗?   60. Some of them are mine. 一部分是我的。    五,Identifying People 辨别身份    61. Who are you? 你是谁?   62. I'm Jim. 我是吉姆。   63. Who is the guy over there? 那边那个人是谁?   64. He's Bob. 他是鲍勃。   65. Is that girl a student? 那个女孩是学生吗?   66. No, she isn't. 不,她不是。   67. What do you do? 你是做什么的?   68. I'm a farmer. 我是个农民。   69. What does he do? 他是干什么的?   70. He's a manager. 他是个经理。   71. She must be a model, isn't? 她一定是个模特,不是吗?   72. I really don't known. 我真不知道。   73. I have no idea about it. 我一点都不知道。   74. Can she be a driver? 她可能是个司机吗?   75. Yes, I think so. 是的,我认为是。    六,About Introduction 关于介绍    76. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?   77. May I have your name? 能告诉我你的名字吗?   78. My name is Thomas. 我叫汤姆斯。   79. Just call me Tom. 就叫我汤姆吧。   80. What's your family name? 你姓什么?   81. My family name is Ayneswonth. 我姓安尼思华斯。   82. How do you spell it? 怎么拼?   83. Who is the lady in white? 穿白衣服的那位小姐是谁?   84. Could you introduce me to her? 你能把我介绍给她吗?   85. Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. 罗斯,让我介绍一下我的朋友。   86. This is Tom. He's my classmate. 这是汤姆。我的同学。   87. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。   88. Nice to meet you, too. 认识你我也很高兴。   89. Let me introduce myself. 让我自我介绍一下。   90. How do you do? 你好!    七,Year, Month And Day 年、月、日    91. What day is it today? 今天星期几?   92. It's Monday today. 今天是星期一。   93. What's the date today? 今天是几号?   94. It's January the 15th, 1999. 今天是1999年1月15日。   95. What month is this? 现在是几月?   96. It's December. 现在是十二月。   97. What year is this? 今年是哪一年?   98. It's the year of 1999. 今年是1999年。   99. What will you do during this weekend? 这周末你干什么?   100. Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays? 这家店平日是早上9点开门吗?     


    听力篇  审题   1. 读题时间非常充足,按要求看就行。  2. 利用词数限制确定答案。  3. 题干里说只需要填one number时,写时间不加am/pm。  听题   1. 判断性别。  2. 所听即所得。(不考推理,总结和归纳,主要考细节)  3. 小心语义转折  4. 不存在等关键词出现前的放松时间,因为雅思重点在于考同义替换和逐句理解。每个词都要用心听。  5. 根据听音和常识来确定单词的单复数。  6. 特别记清单词有无连字符,如:note-taking(n)  7. 只要听清楚了,在最后半分钟选择也没问题,不要慌,但这是下策。  做题   1. 顺序(听到的几个选项中最后一个是正确答案),最近答案(找同义转换后的词),陌生词(及其陌生,不予考虑),同质相斥,绝对项(必错),常识,积极(多猜积极少猜消极)  2. 快记(简写单词),避免密集答案遗漏。  3. 一个答案对应一段听力原文,一般而言,在这个区间里,前面是帮助理解,最后是通过替换词展现答案,提前出现的干扰项可以打小勾,但要选最后的内容。  4. 注意大小写,争取0失误。(实在不确定就全部大写!)  5. 当不知道某个词的意思时,耐心听下面的分句的辅助释义,且预测可能的答案填上去。  6. 邮政编码:三位一写。  检查   1. 第一直觉通常最准。(在犹豫所写答案的正确性时。)  常见词   1. 每隔两天:every second day。  2. 分辨几十和十几,末尾重读为十几,轻读为几十,确定不了猜几十。  3. 0的读法:zero, nought, null, nil, nothing, oh。  4. 电话号码读法:7位,34一组,44一组。重复:double/triple 2246555-double two four,six triple five。  5. 末尾3个0:读thousand。  6. 门牌号:以数量读出,如197号-one hundred and ninety seven。  7. 千,百万,十亿:记得加逗号。  8. 小数点:读point。  9. 零点几:直接读point,如0.25-point twofive。  10. 上下午:a.m. p.m.  11. 年代:90s,21th century  12. 计量单位:meter,kilometer,mile(英里),foot(英尺),inch(英寸),gram(克),kilogram(千克),pound,litertre(升),gallon(加仑)  13. 货币单位:美元-U.S.dollar, 澳元-Australian dollar,加元-Canadian dollar,主币-dollar,辅币-cent,pound,peny(便士)(penies),日元-yen,欧元-euro  常见题型   1. 地图题:看全信息,以说话人前进方向为左右画路线。圈出方位,起始点和街道指示。无具体方位时,以考生面对地图为参照方位。  2. 数字计算:要演算,一堆数字中最后一个一般是答案,男女同学争执不下时听女的。  3. 选择题/搭配题:找到提及的关键词,做简要笔记,打叉或小勾,最好利用最后半分钟选最终答案。尤其要用上多的符号,而尽量不写单词,避免密集信息遗漏。注意是否用词与给出信息重复,如:heart disease problem中应该去掉disease。  常见场景   1. 租房:地段越好,房价越高。位置稍偏,价钱便宜,但有瑕疵。  2. 电话看房,要配家具。  3. 课外研究:多是小项目。  4. 图书馆  5. 地理  6. 计算机房  7. 选课  8. 新生报道会  9. 日程活动介绍(听力原文出干扰项,会议地点多在国家首都)  10. 个人健康  11. 授课  12. 学生银行服务  13. 电话留言(you have reached +电话号码,please leave the message)  考前训练   1. 练习听记数字及字母。(尤其建议考前一天进行)  2. 语料库听写:限时写,按听写,跟读循环做,直到正确率百分百为止。跟读方式复习。  阅读篇  审题   1. 划出特殊符号,特殊印刷体,连词和因果搭配。  2. 猜好词性和主被动关系。  3. 结合常识与逻辑检验答案的合理性。  4. 年限和地点特别标记,是易忽视的定位点。  5. 看清是写yes,no还是true,false!!!  读文章   1. 定位中心词。  2. 先定位,后思考。  3. 细化定位词,不仅找范围词,还找附近词。  4. 找不到定位词时:利用顺序原则定段落,通过理解定同义转换,通过推论定答案。(小心暗指题)  5. 看第一遍时,必须划出人名,地名等,要把所有答案一次性找齐。  6. 找出文章的中心论点词和分论点词,它们会成为很多思维型题的突破口。  7. 研究型文章一般先讲问题,后讲解决措施。  8. 通篇数据文,关键词在其他实词,不用标记数据。  做题   1. 直接写答案,不存在额外的誊写时间。  2. 时间分配:15+20+20+5,最后解决找不到定位信息的难题,但一般不能留题。  3. 如果时间不够,放弃最后一篇的填空题。  4. 找定位词,通读全段后仍找不到答案的,放在本文末做,或者不做。因为你后续是没有多余时间的。  5. 找同义转换。(不找到原文依据坚决不能写答案,否则正确率会降低一半)  6. 先做细节题,再做归纳总结题,由易入难。  7. 信息点可能同句,同段或者不同段的同位置。注意细化分析。  8. 填因素时:看清提示词,免得填错顺序。(如:also,usual,common等)  9. 不知道时,一定要通过分析句式猜词。  10. 连着的首字母大写词有不可拆分性。  检查   1. 注意大小写,特别是句首。  2. 有时间一定要检查,特别看数字是否填错。  常见题型   1. TFN/YNN题型:  预设否命题,找依据/矛盾/相关不明确点。  忌主观判断,一定定位关键词,然后回原文找依据。要耐心。  范围判断是首要。(对象是否扩大或缩小)  区分事实与预测。  存在与原文不冲突的可能性的项却又找不到support句,那就一定是not given。重视同意转换,而非自然的逻辑判断。  看原文与题目是同主题,还是衍生主题。区分false和not given。  题目中比较场景或比较对象若没在原文出现,则视为not given。  未提及就是not given,请勿投机取巧,数答案分类的个数。  因理解问题而判断不了时,定位处为同义转换而非直接信息时,多半为对。  考虑充分条件和必要条件,多角度思维,避免思维僵化致错。  2. 搭配题:  看清是找同意转换,还是归纳总结。(containinformation?)  3. 连句题:  首要找主语和宾语,考虑清它们的搭配问题。  4. 流程图题:  答案一般集中出现在一起或同一段落,利用其中比较显眼的词来定位,不一定拘泥于第一个词。  5. 段落大意匹配题:  根据题目给的句意去找对应段落。  谨慎取舍过于细节项。  忌找主题句和中心句,因为每个人对段落中心思想的判断通常不同。且每个段落的首尾句也不一定是主题句或中心句。  选项义带入段落中,运用反向思维做匹配题。  先归类,再排除。还有段中关键词一定要打大钩,以便提示思路。开头段或者结尾段一定对表现文章主题有作用,而对具体细节阐述较少。概括与具体的分歧可以用来排除错误选项。  6. 填空题:  充分利用词数限制,找全信息。  注意搭配,特别注意前面的冠词和后面的介词。  填空题一定填实词,多数是语义转换。  考前训练   定55min的限时,闹钟没响,就不看时间。每篇18min,看8min,做10min,以适应考场的紧张气氛,避免心态波动。  写作  审题   1. 写提纲(把论点关键词写出即可。)  2. 关键词和举例在列提纲时一定要写细,否则字数凑不成。  答题   1. 字要写清楚。  2. 顺序:先2后1。第2篇至少250字(15-18句话,30行) , 第一篇至少150字(10-12句话,18行)。  3. 看准题目,细阐观点,立场清晰,论述有逻辑,连接要得当,中心句清晰,词性准确,用词贴切,增加词伙,准确替换,多写复杂句。  4. 复杂结构:第二篇至少5个,第一篇至少3个。(并列句,复合句,非谓语动词形式)  5. 细节问题:主题句要开门见山,次主题句要写在段首,线性思维,强调法证(事实,数据,普通人事件,该领域专家),一般具体,靠过渡词语体现连贯,结尾靠概括(而非训导)。  常见题型   1.在写作中,雅思大作文占据2/3的分数,非常重要。雅思大作文均为议论文,分为观点类、讨论类、问题解决类3大类型。字数要求在250字以上,既考察单词、句式等内容方面,也注重审题、文章逻辑方面的考察。  2.雅思小作文占据1/3的分数,较为重要。雅思小作文全为图表作文,分为7大类型。柱状图、线图、表格、饼图、混合图、地图、流程图。其中柱状图、线图、表格为常考类型,图表作文重描述,大作文重思路。  口语  思路   1. 信息具体化:把答案具体化,描述一下具体的内容和细节,也就是对"what"这个词进行展开。  2. 万事皆有因:具体谈一下为什么你得出这种观点的原因,也就是从"why"这个词着手。  3. 时空渲染:具体描述一下看到这种事物或者具体做这件事的时间和地点,即对"when"和"where"这两个词进行展开,对话题进行有效延伸。  答题   1. 脱稿。  2. 想好每道题的关键词,就开始作答。  3. 词汇要背到脱口而出,内化为自己的语言的程度。  4. 打开思路的关键词:time,cost,mood,health,safety,knowledge。  5. 把段落说长的技巧:因果,假设,让步,对比。  误区及解决办法   1. 反复使用同一词汇:建议平时在路上或者空闲的时候在脑海里用英语“自言自语”,并时刻注意自己的用词有没有“落入俗套”,一段时间后,这样的思维定势就会有所减弱。  2. 展现词汇要靠大家都想不到的难词、大词和名言警句:雅思口语的词汇首先讲究的是适用性、准确性,词汇一定用你熟悉的,一定是自己能驾驭的,即使简单点儿也无所谓。  3. 要找到最适合的那个词:在考试的时候,只要能表达自己的意思,怎么用词都是可以的。  以上就是小易为大家整理的史上最全雅思考试注意事项。  持续关注ease-100,定期干货等你拿哦。


How are you doing? 你好吗? How’s life treating you? 日子过得还算惬意吗?What’s up? 有什么新鲜事儿?How's everything? 一切都好?Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。I hope we’ll meet again some time.希望不久后能再见到你。pleased to see/meet you again.很高兴再次见到你。How do you feel today?你今天觉得怎样?How come you look so tired?你怎么看起来这么疲倦?Why are you in such a good mood?你怎么心情这么好?





Special English是一个美国之音使用的一种简化版本的英语词汇。它使用大概1500个单词。


你好~~A:Hello,Kate!Fancy meeting you here①!Working again②,are you? 你好,凯特!真没想到在这里见到你。又在用功了,是吗? B:Yes,l've got to③,if I want to pass all the exams. 是啊,如果我想通过所有的考试,就不得不这样。 A:How's life,Kate? All right? 生活过得怎么样,凯特?不错吧? B:Yes,not too bad,thanks.i'm a bit fed up④ revising though.Are you? 还不错,谢谢。不过我对复习应考有点厌倦了。你呢? A:Pretty⑤ good,thanks.My exams are over now,so I can afford to relax a bit.I'm going to a football match this afternoon.It's terrible weather⑥ though,I hope it doesn't rain. 相当好,谢谢。我的考试现在已全部结束了,所以我可以稍稍轻松一下了。今天下午我要去看足球赛,只是天气不好,我希望不要下雨才好。 B:Yes,awful⑦!How's jane? 唉,天气确实糟糕。珍妮怎么样? A:Oh,she's all right.But busy as usual⑧.Well,I'd better be going,I suppose.The match starts at 3:30.Bye! 噢,她很好,只是一直很忙。噢,我想我该走了。比赛3:30开始,再见! Hello,Mary,how are you?long tome no see(好啊.玛丽,最近怎样,好久不见咯)Hi,Jim,I am fine ,and you?very pleased to see you (我很好.你呢,很高兴见到你)Me too,what are you busy now?(我也一样,最近在忙什么)I am going to America for a travel with my family next month?(我准备下个月和我的家人一起去美国旅行)It sounds good.Have a good trip then.(不错,祝你们旅途愉快)Thanks.谢谢hi,morning 早上好morning 早上好how is everything going on最近过的怎么样en,just so so恩 还好what about you你呢I'm busy preparing my exam these day这几天我正忙于考试呢wish you good luck祝你好运thanks ,the same to you谢谢 


1、你好  hello

2、没问题  no problem

3、就这样吧  that‘s all

4、别担心  don’t worry

5、这是你的吗? is this yours

6、给你 here you are

7、别紧张  take it easy

8、别客气  help yourself

9、保持联系 keep in touch

10、太离谱了  it is going too far

一、【英语日常用语】Greetings 问候语1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!3. I’m Kathy King. 我是凯西•金。4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得•史密斯吗?5. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。6. How are you? 你好吗?7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?8. I’m fine, too. 我也很好。9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗?10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。14. See you later. 待会儿见。15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。

八、【英语日常用语】Talking About Objects 谈论事物106. Do you have a computer? 你有计算机吗?107. Yes, I do. 是的,我有。108. He has that book, doesn’t he? 他有那本书,是吗?109. No, he doesn’t. 不,他没有。110. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟或姐妹吗?111. No, I’m a single son. 没有,我是独生子。112. Does your computer have a modem? 你的电脑有调制解调器吗?113. Do you have shampoo here? 这儿有香波卖吗?114. What a beautiful garden you have! 你的花园真漂亮。115. Any tickets left? 有剩票吗?116. Do you have glue? I need some here. 你有胶水吗?我这里需要一点。117. I have some left. 我剩下一些。118. If you have more, please give me some. 如果你有多的,请给我。119. Do you have my pencil? 你拿了我的铅笔吗?120. Yes, I have your eraser, too. 是的,我还拿了你的橡皮。

学英语还是要靠自己的努力的  英语学习中心只是辅助  这是我的经验,之前学习的ABC先下英语就不错.好.,每天安排外籍老师1对1受课  一开始我还挺害羞的不太好意思开口,现在就很自然跟他互动!1、邀请参加生日聚会情景对话A: Hello. Can I speak to Yolanda, please? B: Hold on, please. A: Thank you. B: Sorry, but she's out. A: May I leave a message? B: Sure. A: Ts is Tom Gray, would you please ask her to come to my Birthday party ts Sunday? B: OK. Got it. A: Thank you. Umm.. By the way, please ask her to take her sister with her? B: I'm her sister Lucy. A: Wow, sorry Lucy. Then would you please come with her together? B: OK. I'm glad to. Bye bye. A: Bye.、关于捡到包归还失主(有点难)A: I just found a purse when I went to school.Do you  where should I send it for?B: A purse? Is there sometng in it?A: Yes, there are some money and several cards, I tnk the owner must be very urgent to find it.B: I tnk so. Maybe you can send it to the police station nearby.Then they can help to find the owner.A:That sounds good,would you mind go with me?B:I'd like to go with you, you are such a kind person.、关于喜欢的电影对话A、what's your favourite movie?B、I love the Forrest Gump a lot阿甘正传A、wow, it's my favourite movie,too. B、Everytime i see ts film, i will be deeply touched and learn sometng new.A、It's very moving.B、Yeah, what you said it true.


英语口语日常生活对话100句1、Iwon’tlethergowithoutafight!我不会轻易放过她的2、Itcouldhappentoanyone./Ithappenstoanybody./Thathappens.谁都可能会遇到这种情况3、I’malaundryvirgin.(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活)4、Ihearyou.我知道你要说什么。/我懂你的意思了5、Nothingtoseehere!这里没什么好看的/看什么看!6、Hello?Wereweatthesametable?有没有搞错?(注意hello的用法,用疑问语气表示“有没有搞错?”)7、Youaresosweet/that’ssosweet.你真好。8、Ithinkitworksforme.(work为口语中极其重要的小词)9、Rachel,youareoutofmyleague(等级,范畴).你跟我不是同一类人10、Youaresocute.你真好/真可爱11、Givenyoursituation,theoptionswiththegreatestchancesforsuccesswouldbesurrogacy.(given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用)12、Let’sgettheexamrolling.现在开始考试了(get……rolling的用法)13、Whydon’twegivethisatry?我们为何不试一下呢14、Bravoonthehotnanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是braveonsth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思)15、Mywayorthehighway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵)16、Iplanedtogotherebutsomethingjustcameup.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意somethingjustcameup这个搭配)17、That’snotthepoint.这不是关键/问题所在18、(If)heshowsup,westickwithhim.他一出现,我们就跟着他走(着重比较书面英语和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略)英语口语培训:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet400/2219、Mylifeflashesbeforemyeyes.我的过往在我眼前浮现。20、Ihavenoideawhatyouhavesaid不知道你在说什么(Idon’thavetheslightestidea……)“我不知道”不要总说Idon’tknow,太土了,可以说Ihavenoidea或者Idon’thaveaclue……21、Justfollowmylead.听我指挥好了。22、Goodforyou!你真不错/好!(老友记中极其常见的赞扬、表扬句型)23、Letmeputitthisway,we’rehavingsexwhetheryou’rehereornot.(主要是前半句中put的用法,这里put等于say;极其标准的口语说法)24、ThemoreIworriedaboutit,themoreIcouldn’tsleep.(themore……themore……越什么……就什么……;多学点这样的句型举一反三不论对口语还是写作都有帮助)25、We’remorethanhappytogiveyourecommendations.(morehanhappy等于非常高兴)26、Rachel,CanyoupassmetheTVguide?能把电视报递给我吗?(非常实用的口语句型,叫别人递东西可以引用)27、Notthatit’syourbusiness,butwedidgoout.(倒不是……不过……典型的绕弯子式美国思维模式)28、Wehavetocutourtripshort!我们不得不中断旅行.(cutsthshort打断话语;中断某事;)29、Thispartystinks/sucks!(sthsucks意思是什么事情很糟糕)30、Youdothemath.你自己来算一下31、I’mwithyou我同意你的观点32、Iwas/willbethereforyou.我支持(过)你!(还记得老友记主题曲最后一句吗)33、I’mallyours!我全听你的34、I’lltakecareofit.我会搞定的35、Iwouldliketoproposeatoast.(英美电影宴会婚礼场景经典句型;提议为什么事情举杯祝福时用:)36、Luckyme!我真走运/幸运!(诺丁山里面出现)37、Storageroomsgivemecreeps.储藏室让我全身冒鸡皮疙瘩。38、Whatiswiththatguy?那个家伙到底怎么了?39、Plus,I’mgonnatakeyououtalotforfreedinner.(plus除此之外)40、we’vetalkedabouttherelationshipandstuff.(Andstuff诸如此类)41、Toobadwemustreturnthem.很不幸,我们必须退还它们。(toobad开头来描述一件糟糕的事情)42、Takemywordforit.相信我43、Here’stoalousyChristmas!(here’sto……为……而干杯)44、Imadeafoolofmyself.45、Tohellwiththatbitch!让那婊子见鬼去吧!(咒骂别人的时候,tohellwith)46、Theworstpartis……最糟糕的是47、IthinkIshouldgiveitashot/go!我觉得应该尝试一下!48、Nowyoutellmeshe’snotaknock-out!你该不会说她不是个美人儿吧!49、Begood!/beaman/becool!要听话/像个男人的样子/冷静点50、Nicesave!好扑救!/打圆场避免失态(来源于足球)51、Man,youscaredtheshoot/crapoutofme!你把我吓坏了!Beatthecrapoutofsb(crap等于shoot,不过要稍微文雅一些;)52、Youdidit!你做到了!(或者还可以说Imadeit!口语中要注意make,do等小词的运用)53、Let’smakeadeal!我们做笔交易吧。54、Thatwasclose!/closeone好险55、WhatifIhadthegutstoquitmyjob.(havetheguts有种,有勇气)56、HowdiditgowithCeria?和Ceria怎么样了?57、How’sitgoing?/howareyoudoing?你好58、It’snotlike(Ididthisonpurpose).并不是……(又是典型的绕弯子式美国思维了!这句话还可以换成NotthatIdidthisonpurpose)59、Howcomeyouareworkinghere?你怎么在这里工作?(howcome=why)60、I’llfixit!我去搞定!61、Hatsofftophoebe.I’dsaythatyou’reaverygoodcompetitor.(hatsoffto向谁脱帽致敬)62、Howlonghasitbeensince(youhadsexwithyourgf)? 有多久没做……63、Forgetit!/skipit!/Idon’twannatalkaboutthisanymore.别提了64、Imeanit!我是认真的!65、I’mtotallyoverher!我早就忘了她了!66、I’mgonnapayforittonight.今晚我要付出代价。67、Wherewerewe?刚才我们谈/做到哪里了?68、Leavemealone!别管我/别惹我69、Youhavetopickyourmoments/timing.你说话得选时机。70、Youstartedit!你先挑衅的(选自TheIncredibles)71、Willheknowwhatthisisinreferenceto?他知道是谁打来的吗?72、Makeitthree/two.再来一杯/份(和老外一起到酒吧,餐厅点同样东西时的经典用语,言简意赅)73、Thatmakestwoofus.所见略同74、Twocoffeetogo.两杯咖啡打包。75、Iwastryingtoreachyouallnight.我找了你一晚上。76、Iwaswondering/thinkingifafterworkwecouldgrabacupofcoffee?我在想……77、Youbet!当然78、I’vebeenthroughthis!我有经验/我也经历过79、DiditeveroccurtoyouthatImightbethatstupid!80、YoureallyneedtohateJulie’sguts.(hatesb''sguts恨透……)81、WhatdoyousayIbuyyouacupofcoffee/wegotakeawalk?我请你喝杯咖啡怎么样?(whatdoyousay加从句,可用与征求别人意见)82、Holdit!打住!83、Upyours!去你的84、Idon’thaveaclue!我不知道85、Comeon,cutitout!别闹了~86、Youarenothinglikeus.你一点都不象我们。It’snothinglikeHobbit/Youguys,thiscatisnothinglikemygrandma’scat.(nothinglikesth表示一点都不像)87、Ifyouwantkids,thenkidsitis!如果你想要孩子,那就要吧Artitis/twoitis!!/ahundreditis(名词加itis表示一种不耐烦语气)88、MindifIseesomeidentification?介意我看看证件吗?MindifIcomedownstairswithyou?89、It’s between Ross and me.是我和ross之间的事情90、I''ll give you a call if anything comes up.91、Idon''tgivea/andamn/f*k/shoot/ass...表示不在乎.92、Thejudgingstuffhastakenalotoutofme.(takealotoutofsb=makingsbtired)93、Iaskedaround.Wordis,hedealsprimarilyinarms.(OceanEleven)94、Ibetyou20bucksIcangethertohavebreakfastwithme?95、Donotrush/pushme.别催我英语口语培训:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet400/6696、Calliteven.扯平了97、NotthatIknowof.据我所知没有98、Partofmethinksthekid’sright.一方面我觉得这孩子没错butanotherpartofmethinks……(选自拯救大兵瑞恩)99、Youfallforiteverytime.你每次都要上当100、Thanks,man!I’mnotreallyintosports.!/I’mreallynotintoguys.我不太喜欢体育 一、 祝愿、祝贺和应答 (Good wishes, congratulations and responses) 1.- Well done and congratulations to you. - Thanks very much. 2.- I hope you‘ll succeed in everything. - So do I. 3.- I wish you success. - Thank you. 4.- We send you our best wishes. - Thank you very much. 5.- Happy new year ! - Happy new year! (The same to you.) 6.- A merry Christmas to you. - Thank you. 7.- I hope you‘ll have a good time. - Thank you. 8.- Happy birthday! - Thank you.二、邀请和应答 (Invitations and responses) 1.- Would you like to come to the party? - Oh yes, thank you. 2.- I hope you can come to the dance next Saturday. - I‘m sorry, but I can‘t. 3.- Will you go dancing with us? - Of course. I‘ll be glad to. 4.- Will you come to our English Evening? - Yes, thank you. 5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning? - OK. When? 6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes. - OK. Thank you very much.三、表示同意和不同意 (Expressing agreement and disagreement) 1.- I think the shop is closed at this time of day. - No, I think it‘s open. 2.- I think foreign languages are more interesting than science. - I really can‘t agree with you. I prefer science. 3.- I think I shall read a book instead. - Good idea. That‘s much better than watching a bad TV Programme. 4.- I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories. - I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not. 5.- I think Chinese is more popular than any other subject. - Maybe. But I prefer art. 6.- Don‘t think in Chinese when you‘re speaking English. - You are quite right.四、道歉和应答 (Apologies and responses) 1.- Sorry to trouble you. - That‘s all right. 2.- Oh, I am so sorry. - That‘s quite all right. 3.- I‘m sorry to give you so much trouble. - No trouble at all. 4.- I‘m soory. I lost the key to your bike. - It doesn‘t matter. 5.- Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. - It doesn‘t matter. 6.- You haven‘t paid for it yet. - Oh, I‘m really very sorry.五、劝告和建议 (Advice and suggestions) 1.- The park isn‘t far from here. Shall we walk there? - OK. 2.- You‘d better close the windows. It‘s cold in the room. - All right. 3.- If you are not better by then, I‘ll take you to see the doctor. - OK. Thank you very much. 4.- You must look after yourself and keep healthy. - Yes, I will. Thanks. 5.- The museum is very far from here. Let‘catch a bus, shall we? - OK. Let‘s catch a bus. 6.- You must remember the saying: Whatever you do, do it well. - Thank you for your advice.六、打电话 (Making telephone calls) 1.- Hello! - Hello, Bill? - No, this is Sam. - Hi, Sam. This is Mike. How are you? 2.- Hello. - Hello. May I speak to Mr Green? 3.- No. 5 Middle School. - Mr Green, please. - I‘m sorry. Mr Green is not in. - When will he be back? - About six this afternoon. - All right. I‘ll ring again then. - Very well. 4.- Hello! - Hello, Ham Mei. Could I borrow your Chinese-English Dictionary please? - Sorry! It‘s not a very good line. Could you speak more loudly? - Could I borrow your Chinese-English dictionary? - Sure. I‘ll bring it to you tomorrow. - Thank you. Goodbye.七、请求允许和应答 (Asking for permission and responses) 1.- Please let me help you. - No, thanks. I can carry it. 2.- Can I see your licence, please? - OK. 3.- May I call you James? - Of course, if you wish. 4.- Could I borrow a pen, please? - Of course. With pleasure. 5.- Excuse me. May I use your dictionary? - Yes, here you are. 6.- May I ask you several questions? - Yes, of course.八、提供… 和应答 (Offers and responses) 1.- May I help you? - Oh yes, thank you. 2.- Let me help you with the bags. - Well, I can manage all right. Thanks just the same. 3.- Can we help you? - I want to go to hospital. But I can‘t. My leg hurts. 4.- Must I clean the classroom now? - Oh, you needn‘t. 5.- Would you like a cup of tea? - Yes, please. 6.- What can I do for you? - I‘d like to have an English-English dictionary.九、问路和应答 (Asking the way and responses) 1.- Excuse me. Where is the washroom, please? - Oh, it‘s over there. 2.- Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bookshop is? - Look! It‘s on the other side of the road. 3.- How far is the post office, please? - Only a few kilometers. 4.- Will you please tell me the way to the railway station? - Go down this street. At the end of the road you‘ll see it. 5.- Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket? - Go straight along this road. Then go over the bridge and turn right at the bookshop. You‘ll find it.十、购物 (Shopping) 1.- What can I do for you? - I‘d like some apples. 2.- Where can I buy some stationery? - Let‘s look at the shopping guide. Oh, it‘s on the ground Floor. 3.- Could I buy half a kilo oranges? - Certainly. Here you are. 4.- Will you please show me that radio? - Certainly. 5.- How much is the radio? - Ninety yuan. 6.- Good morning, sir. May I help you? - Yes, I‘d like to buy a sweather.十一、谈论天气 (Talking about the weather) 1.- It‘s a fine day for a walk. - Yes, the air is nice and clean. 2.- Oh dear! It‘s very cold today. - Yes, you need to wear warmer clothes. 3.- What‘s the weather like today? - It‘s fine. 4.- What‘s the weather like in your country now? - It‘s very hot. 5.- Lovely weather, isn‘t it? - Yes, isn‘t it? 6.- I missed the weather report this morning. Did you hear it? - Yes. It said partly cloudy today, with a strong wind from The northwest.十二、时间或日期和应答 (Asking the time or date and responses) 1.- Hi, Mary. What time is it now? - It‘s about three. 2.- What day is it today? - It‘s Wednesday. 3.- Excuse me. Could you tell me what time the plane leaves? - Certainly. It leaves at ten in the evening. 4.- What‘s the time? My watch has stopped. - Let me see. It‘s five to ten. 5.- Excuse me. Have you got the time? - Yes, it‘s six twenty. 6.- Excuse me. Could you tell me the time? - Oh sorry, I don‘t have my watch with me.十三、约会 (Making appointments) 1.- Are you free next Wednesday evening? I want to go to the cinema with you? - Yes, I‘d like to. 2.- When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening? - I don‘t mind. Either time is OK. 3.- Are you free later today? - Sorry, I‘m free every day except today. 4.- Are you able to come tomorrow morning? - I think so. 5.- Are you free this afternoon? - Oh no. Will this evening be all right? 6.- I‘m busy today. What about tomorrow afternoon? - That would be fine. Shall we make it nine o‘clock?十四、 禁止和警告 (Prohibition and warnings) 1.- Don‘t climb that ladder! It‘s broken. - OK. Thank you. 2.- Look out! There‘s a car coming. - Oh, thank you. 3.- You mustn‘t play on the street. It‘s dangerous. - No, we won‘t. 4.- Don‘t touch the machine when it is working. - No, I won‘t. Thank you. 5.- You are not allowed to smoke here. - Oh, I‘m sorry. 6.- You can‘t walk your dog in the park. - Oh, I‘m sorry. I‘ll never do it again.十五、看病 (Seeing the doctor) 1.- I‘m feeling tired, doctor. - Have a good rest and then you‘ll feel better. 2.- How are you feeling today? - I‘m feeling even worse. 3.- Doctor, she is not feeling well. - Nothing serious, I hope. 4.- Doctor, do I have to take the medicine before or after meals? - Three times a day after meals. 5.- What‘s the matter? - I‘ve got a headache. 6.- What‘s your trouble? - I‘ve had a pain in my stomach since morning.十六、语言困难(XXIX. Language difficulties) 1.- I don‘t quite follow you, Mr Green. Will you please say it again? - OK. 2.- Do you follow what I‘m saying? - Sorry, I can‘t follow you. 3.- I beg your pardon. Will you say it again? - All right. 4.- Will you say it again more slowly? I can‘t follow you. - OK. 5.- Will you please repeat what you‘ve just said? - OK. I‘ll repeat what I have said. 6.- I‘m sorry, I don‘t understand French. Do you speak English? - Yes, I do.


买东西:I want .....不能说不对,只是这种说法比较rude。May I have...Could you please give me...比较缓和。

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