


位置: 教育新闻>青岛学习在国外常用的英语口语



















1、Hey, don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth. 别想宰我,我识货。

2、Can you give me a little deal on this? 这能卖得便宜一点吗?

3、Can you give me this for cheaper? 能便宜一点给我吗?

4、Is there any discount on bulk purchases? 我多买些能打折吗?

5、Give me a discount. 给我打个折吧。

6、How much do you want for this? 这件东西你想卖多少钱?

7、If you don't give me a better price, I won't buy this.


8、I can get this cheaper at other places. 这样东西我在别的地方可以买到更便宜的。

9、What's the lowest you're willing to go? 最低你能出什么价?

10、Come on, give me a break on this. 别这样,你就让点儿价吧。

1、 买东西是被宰。所以不管是不是行家都要先造出声势,用这句话镇住卖家。“Rip someone off”意为某商店或商贩企图宰它的顾客,敲竹杠。如:“The shop tried to rip me off, but I taught them a good lesson.”(那个商店企图宰我,结果让我教训了一顿)。如果真的被狠宰了一下,你当然还可以说,“I was ripped off.”或者“I was cleaned out.”第二句,有被骗得很惨的意思。

2、 2-3、大家都希望买到物廉价美的东西,所以就免不了要讨价还价。这两句话往往能使你少花些钱。你要注意的是这样的问题一般只在‘market’(市场)这些地方问,像‘shopping mall’(购物中心),‘supermarket’(超市)和‘department store’(百货商场)里说这样的话,就不太合适,因为除了大型商品,一般物品是不打折的。

3、 4-5、‘Bulk purchases’就是“大量地购买”,等于‘buy something in bulk’。‘discount’是折扣的意思。平时在商店里常出现的表示打折的牌子是‘on sale’。专门卖廉价物品的商店叫‘bargain store’,店里卖廉价商品的柜台叫‘bargain counter’。原来表示打折的英文还挺多的,原来这些西文人的商业头脑也挺发达。

6、这句话一般是买者问的。如果是在可以讲价的地方,卖主可能会反问你,“How much do you want to pay for this?”

7、 教大家一个讨价还价的秘诀,就是用个‘if’从句,即加一个条件,再加一个由这个条件带来的结果。‘A better price’就是‘a cheaper price’。

8、‘Cheap’这个词挺有意思的,‘cheap’是“便宜”。如果说某人‘cheap’,大致上有两种含义,都不太好。一个意思是指人很小气,吝啬鬼是‘tightwad’或‘penny-pincher’;另一个意思是“卑微的”、“有失身份的”,“If you wear like that, you will look cheap.”(要是穿成那样,你看起来挺有失身份的。)

9、这句话问的是最低价钱,应该是出自卖者之口了。‘Go’就是‘charge me’。然而,如果卖者的开价还是太高,你可以说“Could you go up a little?”。如果你的出价太低,卖者接受不了,他/她也可以相应地说“Could you go up a little?”。这里的‘go’却是‘pay’的意思了。

10、‘Give someone a break’的意思是‘give someone a chance’。在不同的语境中,这个词组可以有不同的解释。在这句话里,指的是“让价”。另外如你友写信,你的室友却想让你帮他打水,你就可以对他说,“Give me a break, buddy, I'm busy right now.”(老兄,别烦我,我正忙着呢。) 





That's really something!真了不起!



  大家都知道现在的人们的生活环境都有了很大的改善了,尤其是现在的人们的经济水平、物质生活都得到了很大的提高。那么,越来越多的朋友们都有出国旅游的计划,甚至有些人会有在国外进行短暂的生活,还有一些朋友怀着环球旅游的梦想。那么,这些计划梦想都非常的完美,但是,还是有很多东西会阻碍我们的,那就是语言了。  那么,首先我们就应该学好英语口语了,主要是学习一些常用的英语词汇和表达语句等等,知道如何用英语来表达自己的想法。那么,此过程中大家要多记一些词汇短语。出国旅游英语对旅行者们的英语听说读能力都要求的比较高的。大家都知道如果我们出国去旅游的话会接触到国外很多陌生的食物及环境的,那么,如果我们的语言不畅通的话会给我们的生活及旅行过程中带来很多的麻烦和困扰的。那么,我们如何才能够快速的学好旅游英语口语呢?其实最快捷有效的办法就是报旅游英语培训班了。


  以下是关于出国留学常用英语口语的环境分析情况,希望对英语口语还不怎么熟悉而且不知道如何运用的朋友有点指点。  一、出国后大多数学生的生活交流圈子以华人为主虽然国外大环境的确是外语交流,但是留学后涉及的圈子基本很小,班里基本都是华人。例如澳大利亚作为出国留学的热门国家,每年接收很多去澳洲留学的学生,母语也的确是澳大利亚的母语,但是在澳大利亚的中国留学生,生活交流的圈子还是以华人为主。关于出国留学常用英语口语的环境分析问题,去留学的人就真的能练好英语口语么?  二、制定式的国内英语口语教学更适合一些中国学生老师谈到:出国留学最重要的是先过语言关,有些家长为了让孩子早早熟悉语言环境,干脆直接送孩子出国读语言学校,结果往往是一出国,发现语言学习班“遍地都是中国人”。有的孩子,在国内读两个月语言,觉得进步不是很明显,于是就出国学语言,过了几个月,最后又跑到别的培训中心学习,跟我说他到国外英语口语还是没有明显的提高。结果钱花了不少,语言还没过关。但是他觉得英语培训中心的一对一外教口语课对他的英语口语提升有很大的帮助。关于出国留学常用英语口语的环境分析问题,有老师针对他的薄弱环节重点辅导,同时也创造了如同身在海外的教学环境,所以,想起以往自己还特意跑到国外学习的失败经历,他后悔不已,称“早知道就直接来英语培训中心学口语了,原来还大老远跑到外国去,真是得不偿失!”   三、根据学生自身条件选择学习英语口语的方法那么在国外学语言完全就是个错误么?也不尽然,关于出国留学常用英语口语的环境分析问题,专家说:“出国学习语言适合那种自学能力强、有一定英语基础的、家庭收入比较好的学生。选择出国进修英语再留学的方式是一个不错的选择,因为母语国家为学生学习外语提供较好的语言环境,一般学生只要经过3~6个月就可以适应。但是,对于英语基础不是那么好的学生,学习口语就要慎重考虑了。”  那么以上就是出国留学常用英语口语的环境分析的这样,大家在看过了这些描述到的问题时,就应该多多的加以分析了,所以说对于环境分析的好,考试也会变得更有信心了。


  青岛托业解答酒店英语口语常用的有哪些  酒店英语口语,对应哪些从事酒店行业的人士就比较重要的,在接待外宾的时候,掌握一些最基本的酒店英语口语是很重要的,这样才能够将服务做的更好,那么,酒店英语应该掌握哪些常用的口语呢?下面我们就一起来看看,环球托业英语带来的介绍:  1) Good morning (afternoon ,evening),sir (madam).早上好(下午、晚上好),好,先生(夫人)  2) How do you do? (-- how do you do ?)您好!  3) Hello (or hi )!您好!  4) How is everything (with you )?  (您的)一切都好吗?  5) How are you getting on ( or along ) these days ?这几天过得怎么样?  6) How are you ? (- Fine ,thank you .and you? )您的身体好吗?  7) Glad (nice ) to see you .  见到您很高兴。  8) Welcome to our hotel.  欢迎到我们的酒店来!  9) It’s nice to meet you again , Mr. Johnson .再次见到您太好了,约翰逊先生。  10) Good –bye.(or bye-bye)再见!  11) Good night.晚安(晚间告别用)  12) Have a good rest.祝您休息好!  13) See you later (tomorrow).  以后(明天)见!  14) Hope to see you again soon.  希望不久再见到您!  15) Have a good time.  祝您过得愉快!  16) We wish you a pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们饭店过得愉快!  17) Please don’t leave anything behind.请不要遗忘你的东西。  18) Mind (or watch) your step!  请走好!  19) We wish you a pleasant journey.  祝您旅途愉快!  20) Have a nice trip!一路平安!  21) All the best!万事如意。  22) Take care!多保重!  23) Good luck!祝您好运!  24) Thank you (very much)  谢谢您(非常感谢)。  25) Thanks a lot.多谢。  26) Thank you for coming.  谢谢您的光临。  27) Thank you for staying in our hotel.  感谢您在我们饭店下榻。  28) I’m very grateful to you.  非常感谢您。  29) It’s very kind of you.  谢谢,您真客气。  30) You are (most) welcome.  不用谢,不用客气。  31) Not at all.不用谢。  32) Don’t mention it.不用谢。  33) My pleasure.(or with pleasure)  很高兴能为您服务。  34) Glad to be of service.  很高兴为您服务。  35) At your service.乐意为您效劳。  36) I’m sorry.很抱歉。  37) Excuse me.对不起。  38) I’m terribly sorry. It’s my fault.  非常抱歉,那是我的过错。  39) I’m awfully sorry for my carelessness.对于我的粗心大意我非常抱歉。  40) Sorry to have kept you waiting.  对不起,让您久等了。  41) Sorry to interrupt you.  对不起,打扰了。  42) That’s all right.这没什么。  43) It doesn’t matter.没关系。  44) Never mind.不要紧,没关系。  45) Let’s forget it.算了吧!  46) What can I do for you?  我能为您干点什么?  47) Can I help you?  48) 我能为您干点什么?  49) Is there anything I can do for you?  有什么能为您效劳的吗?  50) Just a moment, please.  请稍等一下。  51) Don’t worry about it别担心。  52) I beg your pardon?(or Pardon?)  对不起,请再说一遍好吗?  53) You are wanted on the phone, Mr. Bellow.贝罗先生,有您的电话。  54) Who is speaking, please?  请问您是谁?(电话用语)  55) I’ll switch you to Room 1120.  我马上给您接301房间。  56) What number are you calling?  请问对方什么电话号码。  57) Who would you like to talk to?  请问受话人姓名?  58) Could you hold the line, please?  请(拿着话筒)稍等一会好吗?  59) Here are come letters for you.  这是您的信。  60) What a shame!多可惜!  61) I’m sorry to hear that!  听到这事我很难过。  62) We are all sorry to hear of your illness.听说您病了都很担心。  63) There ,there, Now try not to get too upset about it.  好啦,不要为这事太烦恼了。  64) I wish you good health.祝您健康。  65) Let me wish you every success.  祝您一切顺利!  66) Happy New Year!新年快乐!  67) Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!  68) Happy birthday to you!  祝您生日快乐!  69) Congratulations!祝贺您!(恭喜)  70) My hearty congratulations!  衷心祝贺您!  71) As you wish(or like)  随您的便。  72) Certainly.当然可以。  73) Of course.当然可以。  74) Go ahead and do what you like.  干吧,你喜欢干什么就干什么。  75) I’m sorry, that’s not allowed.  对不起,这是不允许的。  76) No, I’m afraid not.不,恐怕不行。  77) Out of the question, I’m afraid.  恐怕不可能。  78) Walk straight ahead.一直往前走。  79) Turn left(right).往左(右)转。  80) Go upstairs(downstairs).  上(下)楼。  81) Take the lift to the third floor.  乘电梯到三楼。  82) The lifts are in the lobby near the main entrance.  电梯间在大厅靠大门外。  83) The bellman will show you the way to the banquet hall.  大堂服务员将领您去宴会厅。  84) There is a washroom at the end of the corridor.洗手间在走廊尽头。  85) The post and cable service is opposite the bar.  邮电所在酒吧对面。  86) The bank is next to the shop.  银行在小卖部隔壁。  87) You can get your money changed at the cashier’s desk.  你可以收银外兑换钱。  88) How much would you like to change?你要兑换多少呢?  89) The rates of exchange are on the board there.  兑换率写在那这的黑板上。  90) There are some local products on sale here.这里出售一些地方产品。  91) It’s sold by weight(yard, meter…)  这个按重量(码,米……)计价出售。  92) Sorry, it’s sold out.  对不起,卖完了。  93) How do you like this?  您看这个怎么样?  94) What about that one?  你看那个好吗?  95) Here is your change.  这是找您的钱。  96) Here is your receipt.  这是你的收据。  97) Air mail or ordinary mail?  是航空信还是平信?  98) An air mail letter for abroad is $1.60.寄往国外的航空信需1.60元。  99) The travel agency in the hotel takes all kinds of booking.  饭店的旅行社代办各种预订票。  100) Please don’t smoke here.  请不要在这里抽烟。  酒店英语口语学起来,还是要花一点时间,只有学精了,不管遇到什么问题,可以更好的英语,更多的酒店英语口语知识



Excuse me,How do I get to the.......? 请问如何前往......?

How do I get to the airport? 请问如何前往机场?

How do I get to the bus station? 请问如何前往公车站?

How do I get to the metro station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?

How do I get to the subway station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?

How do I get to the underground station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?

How do I get to the train station? 请问如何前往火车站?

How do I get to the Hilton hotel ? 请问如何前往希尔顿酒店?

Excuse me, Is there....... nearby? 请问附近有没有...?

Is there a disco nearby? 请问附近有没有的士高?

Is there a hospital nearby? 请问附近有没有医院?

Is there a night club nearby? 请问附近有没有夜总会?

Is there a post box nearby? 请问附近有没有邮政局?

Is there a public toilet nearby? 请问附近有没有公共厕所?

Is there a restaurant nearby? 请问附近有没有餐厅?

Is there a telephone nearby? 请问附近有没有电话?

Is there a travel agent nearby? 请问附近有没有旅游社?

Is there a youth hostel nearby? 请问附近有没有青年旅馆?

Is there a baker nearby? 请问附近有没有面包店?

Is there a bank nearby? 请问附近有没有银行?

Is there a bar nearby? 请问附近有没有酒吧?

Is there a bus stop nearby? 请问附近有没有公车站?

Is there a cafe nearby? 请问附近有没有咖啡店?

Is there a cake shop nearby? 请问附近有没有西饼店?

Is there a change bureau nearby? 请问附近有没有找换店?

Is there a chemist"s nearby? 请问附近有没有药剂师?

Is there a department store nearby? 请问附近有没有百货公司?


机场费 airport fee

出站(出港、离开) departures

国际机场 international airport

登机手续办理 check-in

国内机场 domestic airport

登机牌 boarding pass (card)

机场候机楼 airport terminal

行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim

国际航班出港 international departure

国际航班旅客 international passengers

国内航班出站 domestic departure

中转 transfers

卫星楼 satellite

中转旅客 transfer passengers

入口 in

中转处 transfer correspondence

出口 exit; out; way out

过境 transit

进站(进港、到达) arrivals

报关物品 goods to declare

不需报关 nothing to declare

贵宾室 V.I.P. room

海关 customs

购票处 ticket office

登机口 gate; departure gate

付款处 cash

候机室 departure lounge

出租车 taxi

航班号 FLT No (flight number)

出租车乘车点 Taxi pick-up point

Tourist 游客

United States (U.S.) 美国

Where is the railway station? 火车站在哪? Melbourne central station, please. 墨尔本中心火车站 How much is it? 多少钱? Is there a bus that goes to Melbourne central station? 有去墨尔本中心火车站的巴士吗? What station does the train for Melbourne leave from? 去墨尔本的火车是从那一站离开的 Where is the ticket office? 卖票的地方在哪? A ticket to Melbourne, please. 一张去墨尔本的票 One way or a round trip ticket? 单程还是环程票 Second class one way, please 二等单程 Are there reserved seats on the train?  火车上设有座位预留吗? I don’t think it’s necessary, as the train won’t be crowded. 我想没有必要,因为火车不是很挤 Can I stop over on the way? 我可以中途下车吗? Can I have a second-class ticket to Melbourne, please? 一张2等票去墨尔本 Are there any discount tickets for me? 我买票有折扣吗? May I see a timetable? 我可以看看时间表吗? Does this train run everyday? 这天天通火车吗? I’d like to go to Melbourne tomorrow. What time is there a train? 我想明天去墨尔本,几点的火车? Is there a train that goes any faster? 有更快的车吗? From which station does the train leave? 火车从哪站出发? At which window can I make a reservation? 在哪个窗口我可以做预订 I’d like to reserve a seat on this train 我想要订个座位 I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Melbourne 我想订张去墨尔本的卧铺 I’d like the upper (the lower) berth. 我想要个上层(下层)的 Are any reserved seats available? 可以预订座位吗? I’d like to change my reservation 我想改变我的预订 Do I need a reservation? 我需要预订吗? Smoking (non-smoking) car, please 吸烟(非吸烟)车厢 How long is the ticket valid? 车票多长时间有效? What time does the first (last/next) train to Melbourne leave? 什么时候第一辆(最后一辆/下一辆)车从墨尔本出发 Is it a direct train? 有直达车吗? Is there a connection to Melbourne? 有去墨尔本的联运吗? Do I have to change train? 我还需要换车吗? Will the train leave on schedule? 火车准时出发吗? What time does the train arrive in Melbourne? 火车几点到墨尔本 Are there any express train? 有特快列车吗? Where does the train go to? 这辆车是去哪的? Does the train split up?  列车会分离吗? Is there a dining (sleeping) car on the train? 这有餐车(卧铺)车厢吗? Does this train stop at Melbourne? 火车在墨尔本停吗? Is there a direct train to Melbourne? 有直达去墨尔本的火车吗? Where do I change trains? 我在哪换车? How long does it take to get to Melbourne? 多长时间能到墨尔本? What platform does the train leave from? 火车从哪个站台出发 Is this the right platform for the train to Melbourne? 这个是去墨尔本的站台吗? How long does it take to go to Melbourne? 去墨尔本需要多长时间? Do I have to change trains to go to Melbourne? 去墨尔本我需要换车吗? Can you help me with these bags? 你能帮我看一下包吗? Does the train to Melbourne shop at this station? 去墨尔本的火车在这站停吗? How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive? 还有多长时间火车能到? Is this the train to Melbourne? 这是去墨尔本的火车吗? Excuse me. May I get by? 打扰一下,我能过去吗? Is this seat taken? 这座有人吗? May I sit here? 我可以座这吗? I think this is my seat 我想这是我的座位。 May I smoke? 我可以吸烟吗? Do I need a reservation for the dining car? 我需要订餐厅的座位吗? Could I reserve a table at 7 o’clock? 我可以在7点订桌吗? Can I stop over with this ticket? 我可以中途下车吗? This car does to Melbourne, doesn’t it? 这是去墨尔本的车,对吗? Does this car go to Melbourne? 这车去墨尔本吗? May I open the window? 我可以打开窗户吗? What is the next stop? 下一站是什么? How long does this train stop there? 车在这停多长时间? Could you let me know before we get to Melbourne? 到墨尔本之前可以告诉我一下吗? What time do we get to Melbourne? 我们什么时间到墨尔本? What station is this? 这站是哪里? Where is the sleeping car? 卧铺在哪里? Where is my berth? 我的床铺在哪里? Could you make up my berth? 可以整理一下我的床铺吗? Could you make me up at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning? 明早7点能叫我起床吗? I lost my ticket. What should I do? 我丢了我的票,我该怎么办? Can I cancel this ticket? 我能取消这张票吗? I’d like to change this ticket to the first class. 我想换成头等票 I missed my station. 我找不到火车站拉 I missed my train. 我找不到火车拉 I left something on the train. 我忘了些东西在火车上 Please validate my pass 请确认我的通行证 I’d like to start using this pass for 45 days from the day after tomorrow. 我开始用这张通行证在45天之间 Can I get on this train with this ticket? 我可以用这张票上车吗? Where is ABC office? ABC 办公室在哪? Do I need a reservation? 我需要预订吗? I have an Apass 我有A票 Could you issue the supplement coupons 你们发行增刊的优待券吗? Where is the bus depot for the ABC buses? ABC线路的巴士站在哪里? Where is the ticket office? 卖票的地方在哪里? To Melbourne, please 到墨尔本,谢谢 Can I get a ticket on the bus? 我能上车买票吗? What time does the bus for Melbourne leave? 墨尔本出发的巴士是几点? How long does it take to get to Melbourne? 去墨尔本多长时间? Do I have to transfer? 我还得换车吗? Where can I check my baggage? 在哪里可以检查我的行李 Could I keep this baggage? 我能带者这些行李吗? Which gate does the bus for Melbourne leave from 从墨尔本出发的车在几号门? Which bus goes to Melbourne? 哪辆车去墨尔本 What time does next bus leave? 下一辆车什么时候出发? Is this seat taken? 这个座有人吗? May I sit next to you? 我可以做你旁边吗? Where should I put my baggage? 我的行李应该放在哪里? What time does this bus leave? 巴士什么时候离开? Where is the rest room? 洗手间在哪里? How long does the bus stop here? 巴士在这挺多久? I’ll get off here 我在这里下车 I’ll take the next bus. 我要坐下辆车 May I have a bus route map? 可以给我张巴士线路图吗? May I see the time table? 我可以看一下时刻表吗? Is there a bus to Melbourne? 有去墨尔本的巴士吗? Where should I transfer? 我应该在哪转站? Where can I buy a ticket? 我在哪能买着票? How long does it take to get there on foot? 步行去那里需要多长时间? Which bus goes to the airport? 哪辆车去飞机场? Does this bus go to Melbourne? 这是去墨尔本的巴士吗? How much is it to Melbourne? 去墨尔本多少钱? Transfer ticket, please 换车票 How many stops to Melbourne? 去墨尔本要停多少站? I’d like to get off at Melbourne  我在墨尔本站下车 Could you tell me when to get off? 能告诉我什么时候下车吗? How can I get the bus to stop? 我怎么能让巴士停下来? I’ll get off at the cathedral. 在教堂前我要下车 I’ll get off here 我在这下车 May I have a subway map? 我可以看一下地铁线路图吗? Which line should I change trains to go to Melbourne? 去墨尔本我应该换哪条线? Which exit should I take for Melbourne central station? 我从哪个出口走在墨尔本中心火车站? Is the next station Melbourne central station? 下一站是墨尔本中心火车站吗? Where is the taxi stand? 哪有出租车站台? Could you call a taxi for me? 你能为我叫辆出租车吗? Where can I catch a taxi? 我在哪能赶上出租车? Where to? 去哪里? How much does it cost to zoo? 去动物园多少钱? Could you take me to Melbourne and bring me back? 你能带我去墨尔本在接我回来吗? Could you turn on the heating (air-conditioning)? 你可以把暖风(空调)打开吗? Could you help me carry my baggage? 你能帮我搬行李吗? To this place, please 去这里 I’m in a hurry 我有急事 Could you give me a brief tour of the city, please? 你能带我去市中心大概转一下吗? Would you wait for me? 可以等我吗? Could you drive more slowly 可以开的慢点吗? Please turn to the right (left) 请右(左)转 Shop here, please 停这里 How much is it? 多少钱? The fare is different from the meter. 收费和仪表盘上的不一样 Thank you。 Keep the change. 谢谢,不用找拉。 What kind of excursion cruises are there on the river 在这条河上有什么样的游览船? How many cruises are there each day? 这里一天有多少游览船? Where can I board the ship? 我在哪里上船? How long does it take to there and come back? 来回需要多长时间? What time does the next ship leave? 下一班船什么时候出发? Is there a moonlight cruise tonight? 有夜间的游览船吗? Does the fare include meal? 费用包括吃的吗? What time do we board? 我们什么时候上船? What time does the ship leave? 这艘船什么时候出发? Where is my cabin? 我的船室在哪? How long does it take to south bank? 去南岸需要多长时间? At which port do we stop? 我们在哪个码头停靠? Can I reserve a deck chair? 我可以预订一张甲板上的椅子吗? From what time can I have breakfast? 什么时候可以吃早餐? How long do we stop here? 我们在这里停靠多久? I’d like to do some sightseeing while the ship is in port 当船靠港的时候,我想看看周围的景色 I’m seasick, may I have some medicine? 能给我些药吗,我晕船 Could you call a doctor, please? 能帮我找个医生吗? I’d like to rent a car, please 我想要租一辆汽车。 Where can I rent a car? 在哪里我可以租到车? I have a reservation. 我做了预订。 This is my voucher. 这是我的凭证。 What kind of cars do you have? 你们有什么样的车? I’d like an automatic (a compact/a sports) car 我想要辆自动档(轻便/运动)车 May I see the rate list? 我可以看下费用单吗? I’d like to see the car before I rent it. 我想在租之前看下车 I’d like to rent this type of car for 3 days. 我想租这种车3天 Do you have any special rates? 你们有特价吗? What is the rate per day (week)? 每天(周)怎么收费? How much does it cost for 3 days? 3天的费用是多少? Is the mileage free? 公里数是免费的吗? Does it include gas? 包括汽油吗? No. Fill the gas when you return the car. 不。 还车的时候请加满油 Does the price include insurance? 保险在这费用中吗? Can I drive a car with my Chinese driving license? 我可以用中国的驾照开车吗? Do you want insurance? 你想要保险吗? I’d like full insurance. 我想要全额保险 This is my international driving permit. 这是我的国际驾照。 Please write down your home address 请写下你的家庭住址 Where are you staying? 你在哪里暂住? Please send the car to Boston Hotel tomorrow morning 明天早上请把车送到波士顿酒店。 When do I have to return the car? 什么时候我还车? Can I drop it off at my destination? 我能把车放在我的目的地吗? Can I drop it off in Melbourne? 我能把车放在墨尔本吗? How much do you charge for dropping off the car? 你们取车需要收费多少? Do I have to pay a deposit? 我需要支付押金吗? Please tell me some places to call in case of trouble. 请告诉我一旦发生紧急情况我应该给谁打电话 May I have a road map? 能给我张道路地图吗? Is there a gas station around here? 这附近有加油站吗? Fill it up, please 请加满油 Ten dollars of gas, please 10圆钱 How can I use this gasoline pump? 如何使用这个油泵啊? Could you check the battery (brake fluid)? 你能检查一下电池(刹车油)? The clutch isn’t working right 离合器片没有正常工作 The car makes a strange noise. 车发出奇怪的声音 I have a flat tire. 我有一个瘪胎 My car has broken down. 我的车抛锚拉 Could you show me on the map where I am? 能告诉我在地图上的什么位置吗? Where is the nearest motel around here? 这里最近的旅店在哪? Where can I park? 我可以停在这吗? Please call the police. 请叫警察 Please call an ambulance. 请叫救护车 Where is the nearest telephone? 最近的电话在哪? 


去网上搜搜商务英语900句,有用的。1 I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one. 我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。 2 You're going out of your way for us, I believe. 我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。 3 It's just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient of you right now. 如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。 4 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now. 我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。 5 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then. 如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。 6 Is there any way of ensuring we'll have enough time for our talks? 我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判? 7 So our evenings will be quite full then? 那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗? 8 We'll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you. 如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。 9 We'd have to compare notes on what we've discussed during the day. 我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。 10 That'll put us both in the picture. 这样双方都能了解全面的情况。 11 Then we'd have some ideas of what you'll be needing 那么我们就会心中有点儿数,知道你们需要什么了。 12 I can't say for certain off-hand. 我还不能马上说定。 13 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking. 有些实际材料拿到手总比坐着闲聊强。 14 It'll be easier for us to get down to facts then. 这样就容易进行实质性的谈判了。 15 But wouldn't you like to spend an extra day or two here? 你们不愿意在北京多待一天吗? 16 I'm afraid that won't be possible,much as we'd like to. 尽管我们很想这样做,但恐怕不行了。 17 We've got to report back to the head office. 我们还要回去向总部汇报情况呢。 18 Thank you for you cooperation. 谢谢你们的合作。 19 We've arranged our schedule without any trouble. 我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了。 20 Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends.Would you please have a look at it? 这是我们为你和你的朋友拟定的活动日程安排。请过目一下,好吗? 21 If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask. 如果对某些细节有意见的话,请提出来。 22 I can see you have put a lot of time into it. 我相信你在制定这个计划上一定花了不少精力吧。 23 We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here. 我们真诚地希望你们在这里过得愉快。 24 I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us. 我想能否在我们访问结束时为我们安排一点时间购物。 25 Welcome to our factory. 欢迎到我们工厂来。 26 I've been looking forward to visiting your factory. 我一直都盼望着参观贵厂。 27 You'll know our products better after this visit. 参观后您会对我们的产品有更深的了解。 28 Maybe we could start with the Designing Department. 也许我们可以先参观一下设计部门。 29 Then we could look at the production line. 然后我们再去看看生产线。 30 These drawings on the wall are process sheets. 墙上的图表是工艺流程表。 31 They describe how each process goes on to the next. 表述着每道工艺间的衔接情况。 32 We are running on two shifts. 我们实行的工作是两班倒。 33 Almost every process is computerized. 几乎每一道工艺都是由电脑控制的。 34 The efficiency is greatly raised,and the intensity of labor is decreased. 工作效率大大地提高了,而劳动强度却降低了。 35 All produets have to go through five checks in the whole process. 所有产品在整个生产过程中得通过五道质量检查关。 36 We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise. 我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂。 37 Therefore,we always put quality as the first consideration. 因而,我们总是把质量放在第一位来考虑。 38 Quality is even more important than quantity. 质量比数量更为重要。 39 I hope my visit does not cause you too much trouble. 我希望这次来参观没有给你们增添太多的麻烦。 40 Do we have to wear the helmets? 我们得戴上防护帽吗? 41 Is the production line fully automatic? 生产线是全自动的吗? 42 What kind of quality control do you have? 你们用什么办法来控制质量呢? 43 All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out. 所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查。 44 What's your general impression,may I ask? 不知您对我们厂总的印象如何? 45 I'm impressed by your approach to business. 你们经营业务的方法给我留下了很深的印象。 46 The product gives you an edge over your competitors,I guess. 我认为你们的产品可以使你们胜过竞争对手。 47 No one can match us so far as quality is concerned. 就质量而言,没有任何厂家能和我们相比。 48 I think we may be able to work together in the future. 我想也许将来我们可以合作。 49 We are thinking of expanding into the Chinese market. 我们想把生意扩大到中国市场。 50 The purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities of establishing trade relations with your company. 我此行的目的正是想探询与贵公司建立贸易关系的可能性。 看见面时间可问候:Good morning/afternoon/evening.然后握手的时候可说:Nice to meet you.接下来自我介绍:I am ......(你自己的名字啦)如果对方刚下飞机或者刚到这个城市什么的,可以说:How is the trip? (表示一下关心,也是找话题什么的,然后对方就会巴拉巴拉说一堆,你微笑点头听就是了)还要接着聊么就可以说:Is this your first time come here?(然后对方又会巴拉巴拉说一堆,你微笑点头听就是了)看情况,可以介绍你们工厂啦,你可以开始巴拉巴拉,,,,,把对方送走就说Bye-Bye!!! See you next time! Take care!之类的,可以选择着说





1. 机场常用英语:






如果你已经或者将要走出国门,首先,作为一个有五千年传统文化的中国人一旦走出国门就是代表着咱泱泱大国,所以不能有失身份!最基本的礼貌还是要有的~!首先请把:how are you、please变成你的口头禅,尤其是在购物或者是餐厅点餐的时候!

一、点餐最好这样说:(加上please,礼貌翻倍!优雅翻倍!)Can I have......please?I’d like.....please!I would like......please!Eg: I would like a coke.please!(我想要一杯可乐)I would like a glass of water/wine.please!(我想要一杯水/葡萄酒)I would like the steak/hamburger.please!(我想要牛排/汉堡包)然而换成英文,很多人都会下意识的说:I went***,give me one/two****在国外这是非常粗鲁的命令口吻,不礼貌很不尊重他人的表现。如果你这么做了不要怪服务员不想理你。换位思考一下,假如是在国内,你是服务员,进来一个粗莽大汉非常颐指气使的对你说:给爷来一份饺子!再给爷来一份米饭!快点上菜!估计你也不大想理她.....

在国内通常点完餐以后,会一个劲的挥手或者喊一声服务员让他过来,但在国外通常情况下是你看完合上菜单了,服务员会主动过来帮你点餐,或者如果他没有注意到的话你可以微笑示意她过来,一个劲的挥手,他可能会觉得:The man is really rude.

二、sorry这个词我们通常会以为是对不起的的意思,其实并不仅如此,尤其是在英国,“sorry”这个词通常是用来搭讪的,因为在英国的文化中,打扰别人的个人空间或 者搅乱他们安静的气场,是一件非常不礼貌的行为。所以如果想要问他们一些信息,就要首先道歉啦!跟 excuse me 差不多。例如:食堂吃饭的时候想要坐在一个美女旁边:sorry,may I......

三、thank you“thank you very much ”可以称得上是土味英语了,因为在国外很少会听到这样的说法,年轻人会觉得:wow 山顶洞人吗?一般朋友之间表达感激可以这样说:1、Cheers!这是年轻人最常用的。2、Thanks!稍正式的场合。3、Thank you!比较不太熟的人或者陌生人。4、Thank you very much!超级感谢对方。5、That's great/Cool/All right/6、Awesome/Super...比较地道又显得很亲近哟。7、Ta 谢了8、 Brilliant 太棒了7. Lovely 太可爱了8、 Much appreciated 感激不尽9、You star 你太棒了11、 Fab 太好了12、Awesome 棒极了13、 Wicked 棒极了14、It’s very kind of you. 你太好了15、I’m much obliged to you. 非常感谢16、Thanks a lot. 多谢17、Many thanks. 多谢如果你真的非常非常感谢她,感激涕零的话就可以说:thank you very much!(记得附带表情)

四、那如果别人跟你说完谢谢以后你应该怎么回应呢?1. Don't mention it. 一般用在熟人之间,表示别和我见外2.Glad I could help. 很有人情味的正能量表达,推荐给有爱的阳光少年3.Anytime,man. 有事说一声4.My pleasure. 这是我高兴做的事5.Pleasure is all mine. My pleasure没什么区别,就是更礼貌一些6.No sweat. 表达轻松,帮一个小忙,小意思!7.No worries 不客气,这句话在澳洲更常用一些8.Not at all. 别客气;不用谢;哪儿的话9.No trouble at all. 没什么;别客气10.No problem. 不客气;不用谢11.It’s [It was] nothing. 没什么;不客气12.Think nothing of it. 没什么12.That’s all right. 没什么;不用谢13.That’s OK. 没什么;不用谢14.Any time. 不用谢;不客气;有事说一声15.No worries 不客气

五、问好问好这个就不多少啦,相信大家基本上都知道的了。通常会说How are you? 在英国也会说:“Are you alright?”“You alright?”之类的非常简单的问候,也可以这么说:1.Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你2.Glad to meet you!很高兴见到你3.How are you doing? 最近怎么样?4.How's everything going?最近还好吗?5.What's up?近来如何?6.Long time no see.好久不见!7.I haven't seen you in ages! 好久不见!8.Look who it is! 瞧瞧这是谁!9.How's life treating you? 过得如何?

六、问完好,侃完大山就要说拜拜啦1.so long 再见2.adieu [ə'dju:] 用于出行时3.See you around. 回头见4.See you later. 迟点见5.take care 保重!6.All the best.一切顺利7.I’ve got to get going.我必须得走了

七、关于-加油-的一些说法1.Come on! (常用,朋友之间,氛围轻松)2.Cheer up! (振作起来!加油!)3.Go ahead! (尽管向前吧!努力,继续加油!)4.Go!Go!Go! (在体育运动场上,赛前大家都大声喊这个词。)5.Fighting! (这个词韩国人似乎特别喜欢说,经常看到韩剧中主人公用这个来励志。)6.Do it! (在最后一刻,加油,你一定行。)7.Go for it! (加油,奋力直前。)8.Play up! (加油)9.Put more powder into it! (加油!加把劲!)10. Cheer sb. on (为某人加油)11. Good luck (鼓励朋友,祝福朋友)12.Don’t worry, it’ll all be over soon (安慰和鼓励朋友)


来看看可以怎么夸人吧:1. You look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)2. You did a good job. (你干得非常好。)3. We’re so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)4. I’m very pleased with your work.(我对你的工作非常满意。)5. This is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!)6. You’re looking sharp! (你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)7. You always know the right thing to say. (你总是说话得体。)8. You’re very eloquent.(你总是说话得体。)9. Nice going! = you did a good job.(干得好!)10. The food is delicious.(好吃!)11. Everything tastes great.(每样东西都很美味!)12. Your son/daughter is so cute.(你的孩子很可爱。)13. What an adorable baby! (多么可爱的孩子。)14. I admire your work. = 15. I respect your work.(我对你的工作表示敬意。)16. You’ve got a great personality.(你的个性很好。)17. You have a good sense of humor.(你真幽默。)18. Your Chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。)19. Your English is incredible.(我真不敢相信你的英语。)20. You have a very successful business.(你的事业很成功。)21. You’re very professional.(你非常专业。)22. Your company is very impressive.(你的公司给我留下深刻印象。)23. You’re so smart.(你非常聪明。)24. I envy you very much.(我非常羡慕你。)25. Your wife is very charming.(你的妻子很有魅力!)26. You two make a lovely couple.(你们真是天生的一对!)27. You’re really talented.(你很有天赋。)28. You look nice in that color.(你穿那种颜色很好看。)29. You have a good taste.(你很有品位。)30. You look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding. =you look like a movie star.(你看上去帅呆了。)




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